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Right at home: Advice for living in small space

For many young people, a first apartment might be a cramped studio or just a bedroom in a shared living arrangement. Juggling that room’s living, dining and sleeping spaces requires creativi...

Pop art packs fun home décor punch

Mid-century modern style is now firmly planted in the home décor landscape. And one of its elements, pop art, is cultivating a 21st century following. Eye-catching, graphic, ofte...

Designers cooking up color-happy kitchens

Kitchens in traditional and vintage homes often are dressed in conservative garb: neutral hues, stainless steel, white-on-white or beige-on-beige. Historically, however, kitchens ...

Iceland’s design industry growing, branching out

Being a small, sparsely populated island nudged up against the edge of the Arctic Circle hasn’t stopped Iceland from nurturing a rich and varied design industry. While Viking rune...

A neoclassical moment emerges in home décor

Classical style offers elegant lines, rich history

Décor with a retro vibe is becoming popular

If you spent childhood summers on a northern lake, grew up lunching at diners and shake shacks or took a college road trip, you’ll be all over the next big home décor trend: American Retro. ...

Home decor inspired by creepy crawlies

Many would agree with naturalist David Attenborough that nature “is the greatest source of visual beauty.” And that includes the creepy crawlies: From snakes’ skins to the intrica...

Home accessories get glam makeover

This year’s design shows, such as NY Now and the Architectural Digest Home Design Show, have featured eye-catching pieces by designers and artists who take elements from nature and give them...

Producing premier design show a major undertaking

NEW YORK – This year’s Architectural Home Design Show, one of the industry’s premier events, was attended by tens of thousands of interior designers, architects and design enthusiasts lookin...

Victorian garden style lives on

Those drawn to 19th-century style may be pleased to learn that vintage garden decor is a trend this spring and summer. The look involves florals, weathered wood, wire, period typo...

Variations on the vase

Creativity abounds in flower vessels

Right at home: Bright ideas for outdoor furniture

Earthy hues that blend into the landscape tend to dominate the outdoor furniture market. Understated woods, metals and cushions are easy-to-incorporate neutral elements. But out...